Confessions of a Real Mom


As moms, we all have an idea of what the “perfect” mom is like. A few months back there was a YouTube video floating around about different types of perfect moms. There is the PTA Mom, the Parenting Expert Mom, the Crunchy (Health Nut) Mom, and the Hipster Mom. All of the moms are talking, trying to show knowledge and perfection.  Then the Hot Mess Mom (my favorite) shows up. She locked her keys in the car, forgot the snacks, her hair is a mess, and she has a mysterious brown stain on her shirt (chocolate?). She is a real mom.

IIMG_1382 will admit, I am a Hot Mess Mom! It never fails that when I try to pull myself together and get out of the house a diaper fails, coffee is spilled all over my shirt, or I forget the diaper bag. I hate to say that more than once I have spent 15 minutes trying to find keys in my purse and bags only to find I had them in my hand. Sometimes mommy brain hits (traditionally called pregnancy brain, but I am convinced that it doesn’t go away) and I forget doctor appointments (hopefully I will remember my daughter’s 3rd rescheduled appointment). I am a real mom.

Let’s face it! We have all had those embarrassing moments where we feel that others are judging us for the mess we have going on in that moment. Like the world is taking inventory of all our mistakes and saying we are not good moms. Social media assaults us with the ideal of the perfect mom and we feel guilty when we don’t measure up. I needed to let go of the guilt and embrace being a hot mess! So when you see a mom in the store with the kids screaming, a mom with coffee stains on her shirt, a mom holding a kid whose diaper has failed, or even a mom running late who forgot to get her children out of their pajamas, stop and tell her, “Keep up the good work!” It might just be me.

Embrace being REAL. No one is perfect! We all have our moments. The more we share our moments of mess with other moms the more we realize that we are all in this together! What moments do you have to share?


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